The Language of Logos

I have always enjoyed art and design. Although creativity in these areas has never been my strong suit, I have grown a deep appreciation for those who have the talent.

As I was browsing online one day, I came across a blog article that intrigued me. It was about logos—which absolutely fascinate me. Logos can be so simple—yet so powerful. An icon that tells a story without words. The ability to build an organization’s traits into an artistic representation is genius.

To see what I mean, click here for a link to the blog I mentioned. Take a look at the clever creativity of these artists’ logos. Does your logo give the same appeal to your audience?

Check out the name and the logo before you look at the explanation, and see if you can tell what’s behind the initial image. While the icon may be striking at first, you’ll probably be surprised to find out all that is there beyond what you see. That is the story behind the logo—it’s true identity.

For example, with the Spartan Golf Club logo, the initial image is of a Spartan. Yet, as you look closer, you can see that it is actually a golfer swinging his club. This golf resort successfully made the connection between the name of its business and its identity. When people see it again, they will remember two things: Spartan and Golf. These are the main ideas potential customers should take away from a logo—the name and the main offering.

That said, I challenge you to ask yourself: What story does your logo tell?