Marketing: Doing More with Less

Are marketing budget cuts here to stay?

With the 2010 budgeting season coming closer to an end, many marketers are facing yet another round of budget cuts after widespread marketing budget reductions over the last two years.

Many marketers hope to retain current budget levels into 2010. Yet, in spite of these substantial reductions, companies are still expecting the same results and performance levels as those prior to the cuts. In other words, they want to do more with less.

We know that many of you have cut expenses in response to budget reductions so as to meet performance goals and expectations during 2009. But can this performance be sustained in 2010 with flat or further reduced marketing budgets? Well, that depends…

Forrester US Interactive Marketing Forecast predicts that social media, email, search and mobile marketing spend will grow significantly in 2010 and subsequent years, while traditional media spend will decrease even further.

What are your marketing plans for 2010? Do you expect your budget to remain flat, increase or decrease?

You’ve likely used various email marketing strategies in the past year, but you may need help exploring the world of social media, search and mobile marketing for 2010—it’s your key to getting MORE WITH LESS!

To learn more about how Dana can help you get more with less, contact