Generation Z in the Workplace

A new group of professionals is entering the workforce: Generation Z.

Employers might be quick to compare this up-and-coming generation with Millennials, but the two groups have stark differences. Let’s take a deep dive into Generation Z and what they bring to the professional table.

Motivated by security

This generation grew up during the Great Recession, so security—both financial and job-related—is important to them. They understand the value of working their way up, but it’s important to motivate and attract these young people with promises of job security and pay raises down the line. This generation will work hard, but they expect to be rewarded for it.


Generation Z is more competitive than their predecessors. While Millennials are more apt to work together in groups, Gen Z prefers to work independently and be judged on their own merits.

Non-traditional education

These young people are more likely to skip traditional higher education so they can jump right into the workforce and learn from experience. They aim to avoid piles of debt often brought on by attending college.

Don’t disregard a potential employee who lacks the credentials you’re looking for—they will probably have the skills needed to perform the job, they just might have gone about obtaining them in a less traditional way.

Focused multitaskers

Gen Z-ers are born multitaskers, even more so than Millennials. That’s because Generation Z grew up in a mobile, connected world. They can pay attention to multiple stimuli at once without getting sidetracked, allowing them to thrive in fast-paced, multitasking environments.

Entrepreneurial spirit

Many members of Gen Z are entrepreneurs. According to Forbes, a recent Gallup poll revealed that 40% of students in grades 5-12 plan to start their own business, while 24% are already learning how to start and run a business.

Because they want to be business owners one day, they will soak up as much knowledge as they can and take on many challenges in the workplace.

Communication preferences

Considering Gen Z-ers are digital natives (they’re nicknamed “iGen” for a reason), there is a common misconception that they aren’t skilled at communicating face-to-face. But after seeing Millennials being chastised for tech dependency and a lack of social skills, Gen Z-ers are conscious of falling into the same stereotype. And while they did grow up in a connected world, their communication tools involve apps like Skype, FaceTime and Snapchat, so they’re used to face-to-face communication, just via devices.

Want to learn more about working with Generation Z? Reach out to Lynn Kaniper at or 609.466.9187 ext. 117 today. And keep an eye out for our upcoming blog that focuses on catering to Generation Z in the meetings industry.