Think Outside the Booth to Build Your Brand at Trade Shows

On a buzzing trade show floor, you have just seconds to engage people, get them to remember your brand and understand why they want to do business with you. But you don’t need the biggest or glitziest booth displays to catch their eye. Try these tips to drive traffic to your trade show booth.

Say It Loud and Clear
Think of your booth as a billboard. Don’t be subtle, and don’t be shy. Invest in great trade show graphics that successfully convey your brand—and make sure they say WHO your company is and WHAT your company does. Test your display graphics before they’re printed by running them by a few people who don’t know your business. Can they tell you WHO and WHAT right away?

Keep It Short and Sweet
With so much vying for attention in this environment, always follow best practices: keep your message short, use easy-to-read type and display it at eye level. Any signage below table height will be completely missed.

Stand Out in the Crowd
Try these simple ideas: use bold, bright, contrasting colors, upgrade to bright halogen lighting, backlight your display graphics, use things that move to attract attention (but make sure it’s something that reflects your brand). 

Be Open, Inviting and Interactive
Design your booth with an open front that makes it easy to enter and exit, so people won’t feel trapped. Place technology where it captivates people passing by—for example, use iPads to display video, photos and quick information.

Remember the Value of Face-to-Face
You’ve staffed your booth with friendly, knowledgeable people, so an open design lets them be out front, actively engaging people passing by—not sitting and waiting for people to approach them.

Reveal Your Personality
Think about how your booth can express the nature of your business. For example, we help our hospitality clients design booths and giveaways that create a sense of welcome that expresses their brand.

Location. Location. Location.
When you book, work with your rep to secure a visible spot on or near a major traffic path. Create a buzz before the show by adding show information and location to your website and using social media to promote it at every opportunity. 

And After You Close for the Day…
Get out of the booth and socialize. Much of the real networking and relationship building takes place at mixers, receptions and social events. Use your Twitter account to find out what people are doing and where you want to be. 

The Dana team will be attending IMEX America, the largest meetings industry trade show in the US, in Las Vegas on October 9-11. We look forward to seeing you there!

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