Destination Wedding Marketing—Engaging the Couple

In Part 1 of this series, Destination Wedding Trends 2013, we pondered the important questions regarding who destination wedding couples are, where they come from, where they go to tie the knot and the reasons why they roam. In Part 2 below, we’ll explore more about destination wedding marketing and how best to reach them.

First, can they find you?
With an annual overall spend of $18 billion, destination weddings are booming, and quite a few parties have a stake in each one. Destination wedding marketing applies to everyone involved with the process, from wedding ceremony and reception venues to the tourism destination itself, and from hotels, resorts, restaurants and beyond to local attractions, activities and other vendors. If your business can profit from destination weddings, be sure to be present right where couples are looking.

When planning a wedding, time is of the essence—the betrotheds are busy.

How busy are they?
BUSY. Perhaps that’s one reason why online research is so popular. XO Group Inc. cites that 8 out of 10 brides use their websites, and And another portal—Destination Weddings & Honeymoons—claims 1,612,350 average monthly page views and over 20,000 e-blast and e-newsletter subscribers.

But with only 5.5 minutes spent per visit and 10.3 page views per visit, it’s clear they’re stealing snippets of time whenever they can, reading and gathering info as quickly as they can. The search tools, databases, ads and articles provided by major media outlets like these have become valuable, time-saving and trusted resources for finding vendors that fit their criteria.

And many, many brides still adore rifling through stacks of glossy bridal magazines of the printed, rainbow-colored sort. While you can’t tear out the pages, some are also accommodatingly portable in versions formatted for tablets and e-readers.

Furthermore, legions of followers flock to blogs and to social media—Facebook, Twitter and, yes, Pinterest.

This is just the tip of the promotional iceberg. Numerous other places for pushing your destination wedding services are out there. Are you present, with updated, clear and enticing information?

How will they book you?
77% of couples will do so directly, either online or over the phone.

Destination Weddings & Honeymoons says that 87% of destination wedding couples own a smartphone, and 30% own a tablet computer. 38% of them will book online. Once they find you, let’s guarantee they can easily read more about you and engage your business online, whether they’re on the go or hunkered on the sofa.

In many cases, couples are searching and booking over the Internet, sight unseen. So a fabulous, user-friendly website populated with accessible details and an effective booking engine is a must. And given the stats noted, website optimization for mobile devices is increasingly crucial.

The other 39% book by phone, likely for the live answers and personal care afforded by a human voice. Never underestimate the importance of well-trained, knowledgeable reps with top-notch customer service skills.

Remember that destination wedding clients come from far and wide. A real plus would be to speak to international destination wedding couples via multilingual websites, search engine advertising and staff members.

What’s the icing on the wedding cake?

We’re here for you. Email Tracy Stottler at She’ll walk you down the aisle and make a blushing destination wedding marketing expert of you yet.