AdWords Express vs. AdWords

The time is nearing when SEO pros and marketers may be forced to employ paid search campaigns to replace the keyword data that used to come from organic traffic.

SEO guidance from organic traffic is coming to a standstill with the dramatic increase in keyword data that is now categorized as “(not provided).”

While Google is citing privacy concerns as the reason for this change, there may be a “coincidental” side effect. Skeptical observers believe these updates are likely to raise awareness and demand for Google’s search products: AdWords and AdWords Express. These pay-per-click marketing services provide all types of businesses with the opportunity to advertise on Google and its associated networks. The debate continues in many offices on which product to choose: Google AdWords or AdWords Express.

AdWords Express is a stripped-down version of AdWords designed for businesses that are not familiar with search campaigns. AdWords Express is popular with companies that have tight budgets and limited knowledge of online marketing. It allows you to get into search with small upfront costs and—in theory—requires little management.

On the other hand, Google AdWords is designed for businesses that are driven by search traffic and SEM. It features precise and complex tools that enable skilled pros to target the best search and eliminate waste. (You know you’re succeeding when the salespeople start calling the leads “buyers.”)

Following is a summary of some the most notable differences between the two products.

AdWords Express vs. AdWords

1. Ad extensions put more information around the standard text ad. Possibly even more important, extensions increase an advertiser’s consumption of above-the-fold real estate. Google AdWords allows: Location Extensions, Call Extensions, Sitelink Extensions, Image Extensions and Product Extensions. AdWords Express does not.

2. Geography and timing: AdWords allows you to specifically place ads anywhere at any time. AdWords Express customers can only serve ads locally, which isn’t ideal if you have an e-commerce site or multiple locations. AdWords Express will also run ad messages 24/7, which may not be the best strategy for local businesses. For example, a small business that only answers the phone 12 hours a day, Monday through Friday, may not want to drive calls when no one is answering the phone.

3. Match types and negative keywords are some of the most important tools that help skilled SEM pros use AdWords to create targeted, quality campaigns. A precise understanding of match types and negatives provides control and minimizes waste.

AdWords Express has only one broad match type. While this greatly simplifies the learning curve and reduces the time it takes to get started, it is at the expense of a significant amount of control. In AdWords, four different match types are integrated into the system.

Negative keywords are extremely useful for eliminating wasted clicks. Negative keywords cannot be set in AdWords Express, and ad messages could be displayed to people that are not true buyers.

Dana can provide a free audit of your AdWords or AdWords Express account. We can help you take your search marketing to the next level. Call 609.466.9187 x132 or email us.